

To bring physician care to you Various Services Available:

1. Equestrian Athlete care/assessments at the barn

2. Urgent Care Home Visits

3. Sport & Activity Onsite Care During Events

Cost Goal:

To limit barriers to receiving physician level care/guidance.
--> Basic Fee for service. 
--> Fee Schedule is on a sliding scale of need/circumstances 

How can I do this? 
-->  I am semi-retired physician (yes my medical licenses are current as well as my DEA etc :-)),  so my schedule and service fees are quite flexible.

Urgent Care Clinical Home Physician Visits 

 URGENT ($175/hr- $0.00)
--> please call 254.727.0009 or Text

-->Call : 911 

Text- Video Physician Visits

Discuss current care plans, clinical case for assistance and treatment 
$100-0.00 per 1/Hr Consultation

Classes/ Training

Classes Available: Group or Individiual.

1. Equestrian Fall Safety

2. Equestrian Sport Fitness

3. Advanced First Aid in Remote Locations 
(Hiking, Hunting, Fishing, Road Trips etc)

Event Physician Medical Coverage

Event Coverage: $450.00 for 4 hours-Volunteer:

Includes :
-->On site injury / illness assessments/ Urgent treatments

-->Equipment w/ me includes: O2 cylinder w/ various masks, nebulizer AED w/ pediatric and adult pads; Flexible Litter ; Splinting; Hemorrhage Kits Emergency Airway (Cric- Adults);

-->Emergency care coordination w/ ER call in report; consultation; evacuation coordination as needed.

Equestrian Sports Medicine Care

Barn Visits for Horse and Rider Sport Assessment  and Treatment Plan:  $225.00 / 2.5hr Session

Let's Get In Touch..

If you are looking for a basic overview second opinion or need to discuss a health concern- Please feel free to contact me:


Fax: 1-254-477-7019

Call/Text: 254. 727. 0009

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